Peluang Usaha Akhir 2018

Peluang Usaha Akhir 2018
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Bio Disc Order

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Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Biodisc Water

Biodisc Water
How does the Biodisc water can be beneficial for our bodies?

Water Re-Defined
Water. It is the liquid of life and one of the most essential requirements for the human body. Without water, our body cannot function at all, and certainly cannot perform anywhere near its peak. Water in our diet is the essence of our life as well. Such a pure and simple thing such as drinking water is a huge determinant in a healthy life, and the better the quality, the more benefit one can derive from this daily ritual of drinking water. It is general knowledge that we must ensure the hydration level in our body is always being replenished to account for the almost two litres of water we lose throughout each day. For something we all do so absentmindedly, drinking water plays a very important role in our survival.

Get more out of every sip
It is common sense that drinking water is vital, however, there is a way to enhance and improve the biocompatibility of water molecules. Enhancing water’s biocompatibility means that you get more out of every sip while quenching your thirst. There is also a way for your drinking water to increase your energy and harmony levels at the same time. How? By drinking water that has been energised and enhanced by the Amezcua Bio Disc.
The Amezcua Bio Disc is a revolutionary innovation that has gained international popularity over the past years. The Amezcua Bio Disc is able to make your water more hydratious, harmonise your energy levels, and generally increase the advantages of drinking H20. The process is simple and seamlessly joins your usual routine; simply place your glass or cup on the disc, or place the disc on top of your drink, and then consume your water as normal. Think of it as either a drink coaster, or a ‘lid’ for your water. Either way, it is working to energise and revitalise your water, and consequently, your body.

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